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Sunday, August 12, 2012

C.C. Macdonald's Park

“Charles (C.C.) Macdonald and wife, Grace, owners of Summit Park in Akron, Ohio, purchased Rock Springs Park in 1926. Macdonald pledged, according to Susan Weaver in a 1985 edition of Goldenseal Magazine, “to bring the park back in popularity and in improvements to the days when it was a popular playground and outing spot in West Virginia.” Part of Macdonald’s plan to modernize the park included replacing the scenic railway with a $25,000 state-of-the-art wooden roller coaster, adding a small zoo, and upgrading the dance pavilion, which he christened “Virginia Gardens” in honor of his eighteen-year old daughter. For two seasons the park saw record attendance and profits leading former owner C.A. Smith to comment that the crowds were the largest he had ever seen within the gates of the park.”

The quote above is taken from the text of Images of America: Rock Springs Park. It was ironic to me that although C.C. Macdonald’s Rock Springs Park is the one older folks remembered in my youth and the one during which crowds were the largest, it was also the era with the fewest photographs. Perhaps, this is due to the fact that his years were cut short by the Great Depression. It is only now that pictures are resurfacing which show the 1920s’ park packed with patrons. Above shows the Cylone waiting platform and below the crowded Aeroplane queue (Courtesy of Debra Urie Lugano).

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