In July of 1936, the largest swing band in the United States, the Louisiana Kings, played a one-night performance at Rock Springs Park. The band was made up of Louisiana University students who worked for one dollar an hour. It was originally started by Huey P. Long for his political campaign for the U.S. Senate in 1931. Following his election, the band sought Long’s sponsorship for a New York tour in 1935, but were denied. I'm sure that did not sit well with bandleader, Manley Culpepper, but then again, Long had a history of creating a number of enemies in his political and professional dealings. In fact, Long was eventually assassinated on September 8, 1935. The Louisiana Kings found other backers and began their cross country tour at New York’s Manhattan Beach club in 1936. By the time they came to Rock Springs, later that same year, they were touted as the largest dance orchestra of all time, having grown from an eight piece to a thirty piece band.
Huey P.Long (left) and LSU President James Monroe Smith 1935.
The Beaver County Daily Times - July 8, 1936
One of the greatest dance orchestras of all times, the Louisiana Kings are scheduled for a one night appearance at Rock Springs Park, Chester, W.Va. this Thursday July 9th. This orchestra is composed of 30 members and is one of the largest dance bands to ever tour the United States. The Louisiana Kings were financially backed by the famous Huey P. Long, late United States Senator from Louisiana, who used the orchestra in his political campaigns, and is the official musical unit of the Louisiana State University.
Manley Culpepper, the leader of the orchestra is credited with having one of the most dynamic personalities in the world of modern music. It was Culpepper, who organized the orchestra five years ago at the Louisiana University, and saw it grow from an eight piece unit to one of the largest dance orchestras ever organized in the history of the nation. New York newspaper critics who heard the orchestra during their recent engagement at the exclusive Manhattan Beach ranked the 30 men from Louisiana in the same class with Paul Whiteman, Fred Waring and Horace Heidt.
This is the first cross country tour the Louisiana Kings have ever made, and during the latter part of August they will make a Warner Brothers musical talking picture. The Louisiana Kings are also scheduled for a return appearance at Manhattan Beach. This is the same New York spot where Paul Whiteman played all last summer.
At a time when Democrats and Republicans are so ideologically split on cutting support programs vs. increasing revenue to pay off the national debt, it is not difficult to see on which side Huey P. Long would have fallen. In this video clip, Long speaks passionately about his "Share Our Wealth" program, which proposed new wealth redistribution measures. Note: The video incorrectly identifies Long's plan as "Share the Wealth" and the date is incorrect as it would have been after his death on Sept 10, 1935.
I recently was cleaning out an old box of photos and found a postcard of the Louisiana Kings probably taken in about 1935 or '36.The postmark showed it was mailed from Baltimore. My father toured in that band. In the photo, he was one of 3 french horn players. He was a music student at LSU from about 1927 to 1931. By the time he was on this tour of the northern states in 1936, he had been teaching for a few years; I'm guessing that he took some semesters off in order to tour again with the band as he had done when he was an undergrad. He always told his 2 daughters (me being one) that it was a very good band, as good at Paul Whiteman, Fred Waring and other big bands of the time. I believe that on the first tour to the north with the LA Kings that it was the first time he had left the south. It was a real eye-opener. The postcard was sent to his 2 sisters in Baton Rouge, asking them to send him some warm clothes, especially his overcoat. Before this 1936 tour with the LA Kings, he was in Baton Rouge as the State Supervisor or Music. He was in the state capitol building on Sept. 10, 1935 when everyone heard shots; he told us he ducked under a table. He later learned that it was Huey Long that had been assassinated. As you mention in your blog, Huey had been a big supporter of the LSU band - mostly because he liked to lead it himself in parades, at events, etc., but he did get very generous funding for the band during his political career. My father went on to a very distinguished academic career getting MM in music at Indiana University and a PhD from Columbia University. The whole family went with him when he got sabbaticals for grad school. We spent 2 years in NYC and my sister and I attended Juilliard Prep. I don't think this would have ever happened had he not had the opportunity to travel out of the south with the LA Kings, many years before. He really loved classical music and both my sister and I are string players (classical) but he retained a love also of big bands, jazz, and Louisiana French folk music. Margaret G.
I recently was cleaning out an old box of photos and found a postcard of the Louisiana Kings probably taken in about 1935 or '36.The postmark showed it was mailed from Baltimore. My father toured in that band. In the photo, he was one of 3 french horn players. He was a music student at LSU from about 1927 to 1931. By the time he was on this tour of the northern states in 1936, he had been teaching for a few years; I'm guessing that he took some semesters off in order to tour again with the band as he had done when he was an undergrad. He always told his 2 daughters (me being one) that it was a very good band, as good at Paul Whiteman, Fred Waring and other big bands of the time. I believe that on the first tour to the north with the LA Kings that it was the first time he had left the south. It was a real eye-opener. The postcard was sent to his 2 sisters in Baton Rouge, asking them to send him some warm clothes, especially his overcoat. Before this 1936 tour with the LA Kings, he was in Baton Rouge as the State Supervisor or Music. He was in the state capitol building on Sept. 10, 1935 when everyone heard shots; he told us he ducked under a table. He later learned that it was Huey Long that had been assassinated. As you mention in your blog, Huey had been a big supporter of the LSU band - mostly because he liked to lead it himself in parades, at events, etc., but he did get very generous funding for the band during his political career. My father went on to a very distinguished academic career getting MM in music at Indiana University and a PhD from Columbia University. The whole family went with him when he got sabbaticals for grad school. We spent 2 years in NYC and my sister and I attended Juilliard Prep. I don't think this would have ever happened had he not had the opportunity to travel out of the south with the LA Kings, many years before. He really loved classical music and both my sister and I are string players (classical) but he retained a love also of big bands, jazz, and Louisiana French folk music. Margaret G.
I recently was cleaning out an old box of photos and found a postcard of the Louisiana Kings probably taken in about 1935 or '36.The postmark showed it was mailed from Baltimore. My father toured in that band. In the photo, he was one of 3 french horn players. He was a music student at LSU from about 1927 to 1931. By the time he was on this tour of the northern states in 1936, he had been teaching for a few years; I'm guessing that he took some semesters off in order to tour again with the band as he had done when he was an undergrad. He always told his 2 daughters (me being one) that it was a very good band, as good at Paul Whiteman, Fred Waring and other big bands of the time. I believe that on the first tour to the north with the LA Kings that it was the first time he had left the south. It was a real eye-opener. The postcard was sent to his 2 sisters in Baton Rouge, asking them to send him some warm clothes, especially his overcoat. Before this 1936 tour with the LA Kings, he was in Baton Rouge as the State Supervisor or Music. He was in the state capitol building on Sept. 10, 1935 when everyone heard shots; he told us he ducked under a table. He later learned that it was Huey Long that had been assassinated. As you mention in your blog, Huey had been a big supporter of the LSU band - mostly because he liked to lead it himself in parades, at events, etc., but he did get very generous funding for the band during his political career. My father went on to a very distinguished academic career getting MM in music at Indiana University and a PhD from Columbia University. The whole family went with him when he got sabbaticals for grad school. We spent 2 years in NYC and my sister and I attended Juilliard Prep. I don't think this would have ever happened had he not had the opportunity to travel out of the south with the LA Kings, many years before. He really loved classical music and both my sister and I are string players (classical) but he retained a love also of big bands, jazz, and Louisiana French folk music.
Margaret G.
I recently was cleaning out an old box of photos and found a postcard of the Louisiana Kings probably taken in about 1935 or '36.The postmark showed it was mailed from Baltimore. My father toured in that band. In the photo, he was one of 3 french horn players. He was a music student at LSU from about 1927 to 1931. By the time he was on this tour of the northern states in 1936, he had been teaching for a few years; I'm guessing that he took some semesters off in order to tour again with the band as he had done when he was an undergrad. He always told his 2 daughters (me being one) that it was a very good band, as good at Paul Whiteman, Fred Waring and other big bands of the time. I believe that on the first tour to the north with the LA Kings that it was the first time he had left the south. It was a real eye-opener. The postcard was sent to his 2 sisters in Baton Rouge, asking them to send him some warm clothes, especially his overcoat. Before this 1936 tour with the LA Kings, he was in Baton Rouge as the State Supervisor or Music. He was in the state capitol building on Sept. 10, 1935 when everyone heard shots; he told us he ducked under a table. He later learned that it was Huey Long that had been assassinated. As you mention in your blog, Huey had been a big supporter of the LSU band - mostly because he liked to lead it himself in parades, at events, etc., but he did get very generous funding for the band during his political career. My father went on to a very distinguished academic career getting MM in music at Indiana University and a PhD from Columbia University. The whole family went with him when he got sabbaticals for grad school. We spent 2 years in NYC and my sister and I attended Juilliard Prep. I don't think this would have ever happened had he not had the opportunity to travel out of the south with the LA Kings, many years before. He really loved classical music and both my sister and I are string players (classical) but he retained a love also of big bands, jazz, and Louisiana French folk music.
Margaret G.
Sorry about posting this twice !! I didn't understand the prompts that kept appearing.....
Margaret G.
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