Thursday, August 30, 2012

Children's Day

Tuesday, August 30, 1910

On this date, the first annual "Children's Day" was held at Rock Springs Park.

The Daily Times, August 19, 1910 - Children’s Day AT Rock Springs

Management Plans Great Future for Favorite Resort

The Rock Springs Park Management in the course of its busy season entertains a great number of grown people as well as children, but it is intended to devote two days to the juveniles exclusively. With this in mind, Tuesday, August 30th, has been dedicated to the younger generation and will be known as "Children's Day," to be followed on Wednesday, August 31st, with a day set aside for babies.

On August 30th, the management has arranged for a children's white dress parade, at which prizes will be distributed for the most becoming white dress, the most ridiculous costume, the oddest costume and the most patriotic costume, for all of which 20 prizes have been purchased. Additional prizes will be awarded to boys in kite flying competition, each boy being requested to make his own kite.

A cut card matching contest has also been arranged with a distribution of silver watches and bicycles to the winning boys and girls. For a complete list of prizes see the advertising announcements. Entries for various contests will be received at the Park on the day of entertainment.

The grown folks are to have their inning in the evening at the Dancing Pavilion. A prize waltz will be conducted and Ninety Dollars in gold will be awarded the winners in the shape of Fifty Dollars to the first winning couple, Twenty-five Dollars to the second winning couple, and Fifteen Dollars to the third.

For full particulars address, Children's Day Manager, Rock Springs Park, Chester, W. Va.

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