Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A Walk Through the Park in 1906

What features and attractions greeted excursionists to Rock Springs Park in the early C.A. Smith Years? The Transit Journal of 1906 gives us a nice tour of the grounds and provides details not previously known about a public kitchen and a few other surprises.Entrance to Rock Springs Park is through an artistic gateway which opens directly on to the main walk. The first building is the aquarama, or old mill, at the side of which is a check room where packages, lunch baskets and wraps are cared for. Opposite the check room on the right of the main walk are located the public dining room and kitchen for use of excursionists and picnic parties. Here are seats and tables, and hot and cold water for making tea and coffee are supplied free. Another public dining room has lately been added to accommodate those who cannot find room elsewhere. In addition to these dining rooms for the use of basket parties, there is a well-equipped restaurant where meals are served for the convenience of those who do not care to carry their own lunches.Following up the main walk the visitor comes to the theater, which has a seating capacity for 1400 people. Here high-class vaudeville entertainments are given every afternoon and evening.
Near the theater are the lake and swimming pool. The grounds around the lake have been left in their natural state except that walks have been laid out, trees trimmed, and the grounds improved to make the hillside attractive and easy to access without destroying the natural scenery. In the midst of this wooded landscape has been erected the band stand where free band concerts are given by celebrated musical organizations. The ground near the crest of the hill has been given over to the best of the usual park attractions, including merry-go-round, mysterious house, penny arcade, roller coaster, photograph gallery, shoot the chutes, pantograph or moving pictures, cafe, souvenir stand, rest houses, baseball grounds and casino. The last-named building has lately been constructed at a cost of $30,000. The ground floor is occupied with Japanese tea house, shooting gallery, bowling alleys and refreshment booths. The second floor is devoted to dancing and is 120 ft. x 150 ft. This building commands a wide outlook over the Ohio Valley.The grounds and a portion of the buildings are owned by the East Liverpool Traction & Light Company, which has lately been purchased by the Ohio Valley Finance Company. The park is leased to C.A. Smith for a term of years, and is managed by J.H. Maxwell, acting for the lessee.

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